About us

Welcome to my world of insights and narratives where the digital horizon meets business acumen. I’m Anouk Van Dijk, a new economy journalist and blogger, dedicated to exploring the ever-evolving landscape of technology, entrepreneurship, and the gig economy. My journey into this dynamic sphere has been fueled by a deep-seated curiosity and a passion for understanding how digital innovations are reshaping the way we live and work.

In this digital epoch, the app economy is not just a buzzword; it’s a robust ecosystem that’s redefining business models and consumer interactions. As we traverse through 2024 and beyond, I dissect the trends and transformations within the app world, diving deep into the nuances that shape this vibrant sector. My analyses aim to offer a panoramic view of the app landscape, delving into the strategies that make mobile apps a cornerstone of modern business and lifestyle.

The gig economy, a term that’s become synonymous with modern work culture, is another area of my expertise. Here, I unravel the layers of how freelance and contract work are not just career options but life choices for many. Through my writings, I explore the seismic shifts in career paradigms, bringing to light the challenges and opportunities that define the gig economy. It’s a narrative about freedom, flexibility, and the future of work.

Navigating the startup ecosystem can be akin to steering a ship through uncharted waters. My blog serves as a compass for budding entrepreneurs, offering insights into securing venture capital and angel investment. I share stories and strategies, illuminating the path to successful fundraising, and the pivotal role of investor relationships. It’s about turning visionary ideas into viable businesses.

The tech world is a complex puzzle where incubators and accelerators are crucial pieces. These entities are more than just springboards; they are nurturing grounds for innovation and entrepreneurship. In my blog, I shed light on how these platforms catalyze growth, imparting wisdom and resources to transform fledgling ideas into tech giants.

In essence, my blog is a tapestry woven with threads of technology, economy, and human aspirations. It’s a platform where data meets storytelling, where analytical insights blend with personal narratives. As Anouk Van Dijk, I don’t just report on trends; I live and breathe them, continually seeking out the stories that matter in this fast-paced digital world.

Join me in this exploration, where each post is a window into the future, crafted with the meticulousness of a journalist and the flair of a storyteller. Welcome to a space where every word is a step forward in understanding the digital economy’s pulse.